Guest Lecture by Sriman Radheshyam Dasji, Topic:- “Release Steam by Self Esteem”
Guest Lecture by Sriman Radheshyam Dasji, Topic:- “Release Steam by Self Esteem”
Date : February 10, 2020
A guest lecture was conducted by Sriman Radheshyam Dasji on the topic “Release Steam by Self Esteem”, on February 10, 2020 at SIBM Hyderabad. Sri Dasji is the Director of a Youth club, VOICE (Vedic Oasis for Inspiration, Culture and Education). He has compiled Youth books like `Stress to Smile’, `Five volume Essence of Gita’ etc. He has designed 6-session Course for youth and corporates to discover themselves. For the last 25 years, he has been a Youth Trainer in all leading IITs, NITs and others and reaches out to Reputed National and International Universities.

Dr. Ravi Kumar Jain (Right) felicitating Sriman Radheshyam Dasji (Left)
Dr. Ravi Kumar Jain felicitated Sri Dasji with a shawl and sapling grown on campus. Sri Dasji started by saying a small prayer before proceeding with the lecture. He informed the students why it is such an important topic, not just for students but for everyone. Stress has become a recurring theme in the lives of students and adults, which is precisely why it is essential to deal with it in a healthy manner. Just as a cooker gets too much pressure from the steam, our minds can also be overburdened by ‘unhealthy comparison’. When we see that someone else does something better than us our mind also builds up a metaphorical steam.
We build up such steam in our heads when we believe that someone else is getting more attention than us and we are unable to take it. We have a desire to draw the attention of people towards us and not towards others. People also have a tendency to be delighted in others failures because they feel jealous of them. We should not let the steam in our heads turn into jealousy and insecurity. It is important to learn how to not have any steam in our minds regardless if whether we succeed or others do.

Group photo of our Faculty’s and Students
Sri Dasji told everyone that they should focus on doing their best, and their best may differ from someone else’s best because everyone can jump to different heights; and that’s okay. Everyone has their own talents, their own skills, and their own knowledge and beliefs, so they should not be bothered if they couldn’t match up to someone in one thing because they may be far superior than others in something else. If you identify your own skills and develop in that direction, you will not feel very low. You can be small but still know that you can do something which is unique to you so you can feel satisfied.

The session was very interactive and the students enjoyed Sri Dasji teachings and his examples through short stories. The students learnt about how to deal with negative emotions that may arise in their lives and identified with at least one of the skills Spatial, Linguistic, Interpersonal, Musical, Bodily kinaesthetic, Intrapersonal, and Logical (SLIMBIL). The students understood that they should deal with negative emotions in a healthy manner and identify the times that they failed to do so in order to improve in the future.