International Student Day At SIBM Hyderabad Report | SIBM Hyderabad
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International Students’ Day

International Students’ Day

The International Students’ Day which also marks the birthday of our founder Dr. S.B.Mujumdar was diligently organized by Mélange, the organizing committee of SIBM-H,

The Chief Guest for the ISD was Consular Chief, Mr. Donald F. Mulligan, US Consulate General Hyderabad and Dr. Ravindar Modi.

The event was conducted in the college auditorium. To mark the significance of International Students in SIU, the audience apart from the Symbiosis students, also included international students from varied cultural backgrounds.

The function started with the video of Dr. S.B.Mujumdar which showcased the vision of our founding father. Then, we welcomed our guests for the lamp lighting ceremony which was followed by our dignitaries sharing some words of wisdom with our students of SIBM and SLS Hyderabad.

Soon it was time to kick off with the cultural events. The students of SIBM and SLS had prepared wonderful cultural performances to keep our guests and audience engaged.

The musical performances were a blend of regional, national and international genre. The performers showcased their talent and were widely appreciated by our audience including the international students.

The dance performances consisted of classical, semi-classical and Bollywood genre. The crowd was really enthusiastic and cheered for the participants all through their performances.

Next in line was the drama which was based on the sensitive issue of depression amongst students which was creatively depicted by the artists and the spectators were thoroughly engrossed.

Adding to the vibrancy was the fashion show that symbolized unity in diversity. It showcased the varied cultures of a few countries like India, Egypt, Pakistan, Scotland, Spain and Hawaii.

The cherry on the cake was an impromptu dance performance by some of the international students who performed their folk dance. The crowd went berserk while watching them perform on our stage.

The event ended with the national anthem of India and U.S.

The whole celebration was a huge success. It symbolized the vibrancy that each culture portrays. The event was thoroughly enjoyed and highly appreciated by the faculty as well as the student community.

Guest in International Students’ DayA sweet gesture to our guest from symbiosis,hyderabad

Duet performance by SIBM StudentsDuet performance by SIBM Students (Ragesh Pillai and Sindhu Iyer)

Fashion walk by SIBM studentsFashion walk by SIBM students represnting spain and germany (From left to right)

Goodbye to the international students of SIBMGoodbye to the international students!