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Induction Program - Batch 2015-17 | SIBM Hyderabad
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Induction Program Batch 2015-17

Induction Program Batch 2015-17

Date : January 03, 2019


SIBM - Hyderabad is located at Mamidipally, Mahabubnagar district, Telangana near  Hyderabad; just 45 minutes away from the International airport. The campus is spread over 40  acres of land in the upcoming educational hub and in the vicinity of industrial corridor of  Shadnagar, thus providing serene environment conducive for academic learning and industrial  exposure. It is a fully residential and Wi-Fi campus with state-of-the-art facilities in the academic  and residential blocks facilitating curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities for all  round development of our students community. The campus has a unique advantage of access to  the rich educational, technological expertise along with resources available in Hyderabad Hi-tech  city. With a bouquet of best practices and focus on all-round student development, SIBM  Hyderabad with the motto “Shraddhavan Labhate Gyanam” meaning “The earnest aspirant  gains supreme wisdom” is poised to make new strides in delivering quality management  education with the unique mix of knowledge, skills and ethics and drawing on rich SIBM alumni  and stakeholder base.  

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program at Symbiosis Institute of  Business Management Hyderebad (SIBM-H) aims to groom students into complete professionals  towards becoming future business leaders by providing them with world-class academic  environment along with all amenities for physical exercise and sports activities, both indoor &  outdoor. Dynamic and contemporary academic course content of SIBM-Hyd which is  periodically updated is constantly benchmarked against the course contents of top-rated institutes  across the nation. Appropriate levels of industry interface and social interaction are persistently  maintained and reinforced into the academic curriculum. The first year of the MBA program is  divided into two semesters which introduces students to the foundation subjects of management  such as Economics, Accounting, Statistics, Strategy, Marketing, Operations, Organisational  Behavior, Finance, HR and others. At the end of the first year, the students go for SIP (Summer 

Internship Program) for duration of 8 weeks. It offers an opportunity to students to get exposure  to the corporate world and to put their learning into practice. The second year of the program  (comprising of third and fourth semester) offer students a chance to specialize in their area of  interest. The specializations offered are in the area of Finance, Marketing, Operations and HR.  Apart from the specializations, students are also encouraged to take electives outside one’s area  of specialization. Apart from the regular academic work, the Institute organizes Management  conclaves and seminars which add to the learning of the students.  

In the month of November 2015 the advertisement for the SNAP Test (Symbiosis  National Aptitude Test) was advertised and abundance of students applied across many countries  and on 21st December 2014 the SNAP Test was conducted and on 10th January 2015 the results  were published and again on 20th January 2015 the students who aspired to have their education  in SIBM-Hyderabad have applied and appeared for Group Exercise and other screening tests for  getting shortlisted for personal interview, then the final list of students were published on 26th February 2015. Thus, the most aspired and deserved candidates across the globe had a place in  SIBM-Hyderabad.  

The management of SIBM – Hyderabad, was happy to invite the most justified students  to pursue their masters degree cordially, made all possible efforts to assist them and made the  needful admission related assignments convincingly well before 2nd week of June 2015. The  management of SIBM-H and the previous batch 2014-16 made phenomenal arrangements to  welcome the fresh batch and for their inspiring induction program for their juniors to get well  familiarized and acquainted on the MBA program and on the other academic, co-curricular and  extracurricular activities.

Day -1 


15th June, 2015 Monday 

Venue: Assembly Hall 

Reporting Time: 9.30 am

Sr. No 



SIU & SIBM Film 

9.50 am to 10.00 am

Arrival of Guests into Assembly Hall 

10.00 to 10.05 am

Welcome Address 

10.05 am to 10.10  am

Lighting of Lamp 

10.10 am to 10.15 am

Felicitation of Guests 

10.15 am to 10.20 am

Welcome Address by Director 

10.20 am to 10.30 am


Introduction of Guest of Honour  

(Mr. Gopalakrishna, I.A.S.) 

10.30 am to 10.35 am

Address by Guest of Honour 

10.35 am to 10.50 am


Introduction of Chief Guest  

(Mr. Vikas Gupta) 

10.50 am to 10.55 am


Address of Chief Guest 

10.55 am to 11.25 am


Vote of Thanks 

11.25 am to 11.30 am


Guest Lecture by Mr. Gopalakrishna, I.A.S 

11.45 am to 12.45 pm


Ice Breaking Session 

2.00 pm to 5.00 pm


Welcome Party 

6.00 pm to 8.00 pm

Day -1 


It was a splendid morning for the Hyderabad and a golden dawn for the new batch of  students of SIBM-H pursuing their Master’s degree on Business Management in an exceptional  international institute of significant repute towards flourishing career and life. The students of  MBA 2015-17 Batch received a warm welcome by their seniors with a welcome kit for the  induction programme. The first day commenced by screening an audio visual documentary on SIU & SIBM - Hyderabad on the history of making this unique educational contribution by  Chancellor, PROF. DR. S. B. MUJUMDAR, and the valuable sustained efforts made  consistently as on date till SIBM – Hyderabad is presented for the new batch of 2015-17, at the  assembly hall. The guests are received at 10 am, to the assembly hall. Ms. Abhinita Ghosh, Vice  President Student Council, presented welcome address and invited the dignitaries to light the  lamp, with the blessings of Lord Ganesh and Saraswathi Slokas. The Guest of Honor  Mr. Gopalakrishna (Retd. IAS) and the Chief Guest Mr. Vikas Gupta of Delloite got felicitated  by The Director, Dr. Ravi Kumar Jain and The Deputy Director, Dr. B.R. Londhe respectively.  The welcome address was presented by The Director, inviting both the guests. The Guest of  honor Mr. Gopalakrishna, emphasized the dire need of management and the way to be  maintained in a continuous way in any organizations. Followed by Mr. Vikas Gupta, being an  elite professional emphasized the effective way to deal with the things in a practical and logical  manner in contemporary times. He presented his formula for successful leader on assimilation of  Doer + Achiever + Visionary + Missioner enhances a better Leader. Further, added that “One  just needs to develop gravity of concept, context, communication, coordination within ourselves,  with the important 4 E’s in life: Exposure, Effort, Experience, Enjoy and Eternal Principles explored: Truth, Trust, Tolerance, Tact, Technology”. This inaugural session concluded with the  vote of thanks by Dr. B.R. Londhe. 

Guest lecture by Mr. Gopalakrishna, was done from 11.45 am to 12.45 pm, where he  emphasized his main focus on how to become a better learner by acquiring the following  qualities: ACOMI: Attention, Concentration, Observation, Memorization, Imagination, 4 D’s:  Discipline, Dedication, Determination and Development, PROMISES: Physical Fitness, Ritual  Fitness, Observational Skill, Morals, Intellectual Capacity, Social Graces, Emotional, Spiritual.  Finally, he highlighted the following quotes: See inward, look outward, move onward, together  go forward and don’t manage the change, lead the change. Finally, he persuaded to develop an  insight one need to possess Gyaan Shakti (Mind), Prana Shakti (Spirit), Ichcha Shakti (Heart)  and Kriyaa Shakti (Hand).  

The Ice Breaking sessions were planned and executed by the seniors of SIBM – H, to  their juniors to better know them, understand each other, and make them well cohesive as an  effective team for their upcoming two years of management studies effectively. The activities  included to associate themselves with a brand of their choice and justify the same and team  building activities. There was a welcome party as well in the late evening by the seniors to the  fresher of SIBM – H, were they had prize distribution of the games conducted in the afternoon  and also had a dance to shake their leg for the modern tune, then to dine.


Group Photo with our faculty and students

Seniors of SIBM-H are welcoming the Batch 2015-17 students

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Dr.Ravi Kumar Jain, Director, SIBM-H with Mr. Vikas Gupta and Mr. Gopalakrishna (Retd. IAS)

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Dignitaries Lighting the Lamp at Inauguration

Group Photo with our faculty and students

The newly admitted batch 2015-17 of students
with Dignitaries

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Celebration at Welcome Party

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Prizes are distributed for the competition held
at Ice Breaking Session

Day -2 


16th June, 2015 Tuesday 

Venue: Assembly Hall 

Reporting Time: 9.15 am

Sr. No 



Address by Deputy Director – Dr. B.R. Londhe 

9.30 am to 10.00 am


Introduction of Faculty and Staff by Deputy Director – Dr. B.R. Londhe 

10.00 am to 10.45 am


Briefing on Academics and Examinations by  Dr. Shyamsunder Chitta and Dr. Venugopala Rao 

10.45 am to 11.30 am

Tea Break (11.30 am to 11.45 am)


Briefing Library activities by Dr. Balaji D, Library In charge.

11.45 am to 12.30 pm

Briefing by Campus Administrator 

12.30 pm to 12.45 pm

Lunch Break (12.45 pm to 1.45 pm)

Head-Corporate Relations 

1.45 pm to 2.15 pm

Orientation on Health services by SCHC 

2.15 pm to 3.00 pm

Tea Break (3.00 pm to 3.10 pm)

Gender Sensitization session 

3.10 pm to 5.00 pm

Day -2 


16th June, 2015 Tuesday 

The second day of the induction programme, exclusively focused on academic portfolios  along with the concern faculties in charge and also on the non academic activities of the MBA  programme, in an interactive way. The students were very anxious to learn more information on  the institution and responded positively. The newcomers being quite enthusiastic were made to  know about the campus, faculty members, various departments, clubs, committees, hostels and  various facilities provided by each of them. The session started at 9.30 am by The Deputy  Director Dr. B.R. Londhe, introduced the two year programme, with all rules and regulations of  the system. He also introduced each and every faculty with their educational qualifications and  expertise. The students got to know about both the core and guest faculty members, who will  undertake their subjects for their MBA programme. Introduction to the non-academic staffs who  exceptionally manages the well maintained green campus of 50 hectares, in an effective manner.  Then Dr. Shyamsunder Chitta and Dr. Venugopala Rao briefed them about the academics,  examination pattern, CGPA system, responsibilities of students, various rules and regulations  and Anti Ragging Measures. Library In charge, Dr. Balaji D, gave a complete overview on  library activities and regulations on the same for the students and on the future plans towards  improving student’s footfalls. The library in SIBM Hyderabad is profoundly known as the  Learning Resource Centre (LRC); as it has been specially designed by keeping in mind the  comfort of the students. Campus administrator Col.Muralidharan, presented a detailed report on  all facilities extended to the students, regulations for the students, introduced all administrative members of his energetic team, Head Corporate Relations Mr. Nicholas Daniel Ross also briefed  about the placements etiquettes and necessary preparation of students consistently right from the  beginning. Dr. P. Ramalu, was undertaking the orientation on the health services by Symbiosis  Centre for Health Care and on the various facilities provided in SIBM Hyderabad. Finally the  evening session of the day resumed at 3 pm. It was much of an activity oriented and analysis  based session on Gender Sensitization, undertaken by the HR team from TCS Hyderabad;  Mrs. Jayshree Das Gupta & Mrs. Shalini Singi Reddy. They focused more on freedom, 

awareness and working in a corporate world keeping in mind the perspective about the gender.  They gave personal safety tips, laws at workplace and briefed about the steps taken by Govt. of  India and Cyberabad Police to ensure safety of the citizens. They emphasized on the 5S strategy  on safety: Survey, Shout, Stun, Sprint and Share. Thus, 2nd day of the induction programme  concluded at 5 pm.


Group Photo with our faculty and students

Campus administrator Col.Muralidharan, presented a
detailed report on all facilities

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Deputy Director Dr. B.R. Londhe with Mrs. Jayshree
Das Gupta & Mrs. Shalini Singi Reddy

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Events of Gender Sensitization

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Mrs. Jayshree Das Gupta, HR team from TCS

Day - 3 


17th June, 2015 Wednesday 

Reporting Time: 9.15 am

Sr. No 

Program / Faculty 



Organizational requirements and Management  Education - by Prof. B.R. Virmani , Chairman – Centre for Organisation Research & Development in  Management (CORD –M).

9.30 am to 11.00 am

Tea Break (11.00 am to 11.15 am)


Industry Expectations and students preparedness - by  Prof. Lekha Sishta, Talent Strategist.

11.15 am to 12.45 pm

Lunch Break (12.45 pm to 1.45 pm)


Industry Expectations and students preparedness – by  Prof. Priya Iyengar, Advocate & Arbitrator.

1.45 pm to 3.15 pm

Tea Break (3.15 pm to 3.30 pm)


Internationalization of Business and Management  Education – by Dr. Shubrendu Bhattacharya, Formerly  IAS & Management Consultant.

3.30 pm to 5.00 pm


Briefing about Industry Visit by Mr. Nicholas Daniel  Ross.

5.00 pm to 5.15 pm

Day - 3 


17th June, 2015 Wednesday 

The third day, the induction programme, initiated by the welcome address, followed by  the lecture of the veteran personality Prof. B.R.Virmani, Chairman of Centre for Organization  Research & Development in Management(CORD-M) at 9:30am. He focused on challenges of  management endeavors in Indian environment and the dire need to update ourselves in the  domains of technology, knowledge. He emphasized on the need to develop international  orientation, versatility, integrated management. Then, Prof. Lekha Sishta, eminent personality  and Talent Strategist was welcomed for her presentation on Industry Expectations and students  preparedness. She emphasized on 14C’s to stay successful which were  Challenge,Competence,Collaboration,Complacent,Complaint,Choice,Communication,Clarity of  Purpose, Confidence, Career Focus, Community, Creative Thinking, Compare, Celebrate. The  afternoon session, started with the presentation by Lr. Priya Iyengar, an Advocate & Arbitrator,  who explored the 5 R’s for Big S, which are Radiant, Resourcefulness, Respect, Read and Relax  for big Success. A prolific scholar, Dr.Shubrendu Bhattacharya was welcomed at 3:30pm, who  investigated the need to learn from peers in the industry, national industry leaders, food industry  in the world and furthermore accentuated on the sources of learning are from annual reports,  journals from b-schools. He also declared the need to attend conferences, global seminars and  apply to real situations. The session got ended at 5pm and all the students had a brief about  industrial visit on the next day by Mr.Nicholas Daniel Ross for 15 minutes.


Group Photo with our faculty and students

Prof. B.R.Virmani, Chairman CORD-M gives Special Lecture

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Dr. B.R. Londhe felicitated Prof. Lekha Sishta

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Dr. B.R. Londhe felicitated Lr.Priya Iyengar

Day - 4 


18th June, 2015 Thursday

Sr. No 

Program / Faculty 


Gathering of students in Assembly Hall 

9.15 am to 9.30 am

Industry Visit to BHEL, Hyderabad 

9.30 am to 1.00 pm

Lunch Break (1.00 pm to 2.00 pm)

Visit to Company-2 

2.00 pm to 6.00 pm

Back to Campus 

6.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Day - 4 


18th June, 2015 Thursday 

On the fourth day of the induction programme it was designed for the students to cover industrial visit, enabling the practicality of management concepts and production process in a  public and private organizations, namely BHEL and Dr.Reddy’s Laboratories. The two  companies covered under the visit were Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) and  Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories. At 10 am, reaching BHEL the visit started, a experienced instructor  accompanied the students explains the various processes and system. It is a manufacturing  industry which manufactures machinery which generates electricity and thus briefed on gas  steam turbines, compressors, switch gears etc., manufactured there. The functioning methods of  the various departments such as HR, Worker Union, Internal Audit, Industrial Relations,  General, Raw Material, Design & Planning, Employee Safety, Civil Administration, Electricity,  Township, Finance, Wages, Marketing, National & International Advertising, Operations and  their other responsibilities were briefed. The visit ended for lunch at 1pm. 

The students geared up towards, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories which is the 2nd largest  Pharmaceuticals Company in India; having a turnover of about 14,000 Crores. Mr. Ravendra  Goel highlighted about the products (Drugs, Injections and Ointments), Raw Materials, API  Manufacturing Units, Various Plants in India, Audit Department, Australian & UK regulations,  Workforce, Testing Process, various departments such as HR, Design & Planning, Finance,  Marketing, Operations and their competitors. Followed by Dr. K. Satyanarayana; Director - Supply Chain Manager, who gave a presentation on the Supply Chain Overview and about the  global presence of Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories. He highlighted the three processes: Sourcing,  Logistics and Delivery planning. He also highlighted on the marketing strategy along with their  strengths and opportunities were discussed. Then the students were back to the college in the  jubilant experience to complete the 4th day of the induction programme.


Group Photo with our faculty and students

Students assembled for Industrial Visit

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Students & Faculties at Dr.Reddy’s Laboratory

Day - 5 


19th June, 2015 Friday 

Venue: Assembly Hall 

Reporting Time: 9.15 am



Program / Faculty 



Industry Interaction – Ms. Aruna Preetam, Head-Global  Compensation & Benefits, Tech Mahindra 

9.30 am to 11.00 am

Introduction to Students Activity Clubs by Dr. Rishi P Shukla 

11.00 am to 12.30 am

Lunch Break (12.30 pm to 1.30 pm)


Industry Interaction – Mr. Sudipto Lahiri, Head HR, L & T  Metro Rail (Hyderabad) Ltd. 

1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

Tea Break (3.00 pm to 3.15 pm)


Industry Interaction – Mr. Rajorshi Ganguli, Vice President &  Head Global Generics HR, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited,  Hyderabad

3.15 pm to 4.30 pm

Night stay at Out Bound facility

Day - 5 


19th June, 2015 Friday 

On the fifth day of the induction program, the industry experts were presenting their  expectations from the fresh MBA graduates and this has highlighted the expertise what the  students will be focusing in their two years of PG studies. The students welcomed Ms.Aruna  Preetam, Head-Global Compensation & Benefits, Tech Mahindra at 9:30am. She was  emphasizing the talent that students and fresh graduates is expects to endorse and sustain  creditability with competence for the upcoming era of business world. The second session of  this day was in introducing the different Students Clubs by Dr.Rishi P.Shukla, who will be  undertaking different activities comprehensively and systematically throughout the course, which  eminently ascertains excellence among students as new managers of tomorrow’s management  endeavors. 

By the afternoon session, Mr.Sudiptho Lahiri, Head HR, L&T Metro Rail (Hyderabad) Ltd., has presented the he detailed methodology to prepare themselves for the industry while  pursuing their education comprehensively. He did enlightened students with his speech that  enabled every student to inculcate competencies to build themselves better suitable for the  industry. Mr.Rajorshi Ganguli, Vice President and Head Global Generics HR, Dr.Reddy’s  Laboratories Ltd., Hyderabad was welcomed at 3:15 pm, who focused on Career-Myths and  Reality. He inspired the students with his explanation on earning trust, building good  relationships and network well. Further added measures to develop aim for perfection in  whatever one does, with maintains good relations of personal endeavors, for healthy life. The  session ended by 4.30 pm.  

Eventually, the students were ready to travel towards for the outbound activities planned  at Telangana Forest Academy, Hyderabad, the next day. They all reached there by 9.00 pm, were  welcomed by academy officials for a well deliciously prepared had dinner and pleasant stay. 


Group Photo with our faculty and students

Dr. B.R. Londhe felicitates Ms. Aruna Preetam, Head-Global Compensation & Benefits, Tech Mahindra

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Dr. Ravi Kumar Jain, Director SIBM-H with Mr. Sudipto Lahiri, Head HR, L & T Metro Rail (Hyd.) Ltd.

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Dr. Ravi Kumar Jain, Director SIBM-H felicitates Mr. Rajorshi Ganguli, VP & Head Global Generics HR, Dr. Reddy’s Lab. Ltd., Hyd.

Day - 6 


20th June, 2015 Saturday 

Venue: Telangana Forest Academy 

Sr. No 

Program / Faculty 


Out Bound activity near nature at Telangana State Forest Academy - Trekking , Bird watching and several activities 

5.00 am to 4.00 pm

Visit to City 

4.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Back to Campus 

7.00 pm to 8.00 pm

Day - 6 


20th June, 2015 Saturday 

That was an awesome day to start well before the sun rise and gathered for the Trekking,  bird watching and learning on different families of medicinal as well as other kinds of plants.  The journey through the well managed and maintained forest lanes, much suitable for  comprehensive learning on different kinds of herbal, medicinal plants of other kinds of  traditional cultivations. Telangana State Forest Academy, situated at Dhulapally, Hyderabad  surrounded by thick green forests, the calm and peaceful environment helped everyone to  rejuvenate them. The instructor who was engaged gave a comprehensive decription on various  birds and their way of life on par with the changing environment and also on their adaption they  sustain, which was followed by the snake show, which threw light on the folklore and myths  about the snakes and their life. Then followed by the session by Mr. P.Raghuveer, (I.F.S.) Addl.  PCCF/Director & Secretary CEFNARM; TS Forest Academy started at 11am on Environmental  Sensitivity and Eco-Friendly Lifestyle; Individual Social Responsibility towards Environment. This speech was very thought provoking and inspirational in knowing the number of years he has  maintained a team for the green initiatives that he has persuaded to the public and maintained his  team towards the same consistently. Activity oriented session involving the teamwork was there  by Ms. Farida Tampal, Director WWF- Hyderabad. She promoted the cause of saving the  wildlife. There was a case study and its real life implementation by the students.  A session by Ms.Indira Prakasan from Centre for Environment Education (CEE) supported by  the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, promoting environmental  awareness nationwide. The programme was on Environmental Education in Schools, Paryavaran  SAATHI: water conservation, energy, sanitation, cultural. Another programme was SAYEN.  Activity was there for assessing and calculating carbon footprint i.e., “the total sets of  greenhouse gas emissions caused by an organization, event, product or person.” It was then  Ms.Sureka, who has an interesting session on activity based team building exercises and  communication. Then finally, the students and staffs returned to the campus by 9.30pm for  dinner. 


Group Photo with our faculty and students

Students at Telangana State Forest Academy at Dhulapally, Hyderabad

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Bird watching in Telangana State Forest Academy with experts

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Snake show by experts at Telangana State Forest Academy

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Students participating in Group activities

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Ms.Sureka, Talent expert conducting the programme

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Address by Mr. P.Raghuveer, (I.F.S.) Director & Secretary CEFNARM; TS Forest Academy

Day - 7 


21th June, 2015 Saturday 

The country INDIA being the motherland of YOGA, the art of living is been given to the  human wellbeing thousands of years earlier, it’s now the government has declared the World  Yoga Day Celebration on 21th June. Thus, SIBM – Hyderabad joins the world in celebrating  importance of yoga to the human life and character building, phenomenally. By 6.00 pm all the  faculties of SIBM – Hyderabad and the new batch of students, along with all other non teaching staffs assembled in the multipurpose hall. Mr. Ashok Vankineni & Team, Bodhi Yoga Institute,  Hyderabad, facilitated the yoga session with different preliminary and unique yoga practices and  its importance in day today life for better living enabling healthy mind and body. The best of all  was the “Surya Namaskar” procedure which made all to experience the stretch and bend the 

physical flexibility, which had an impact on mental entity also along with the oath to pursue  yoga and be pure in thought, word and deed. Thus, the group dispersed wishing all a happy life  with the practice of yoga daily, as oath and had breakfast.


Group Photo with our faculty and students

Dr. Ravi Kumar Jain felicitated Mr. Ashok Vankineni, Yoga Trainer

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Mr. Ashok Vankineni, Yoga Trainer addressing the gathering

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Students actively participating and following the instructor

Group Photo with our faculty and students

Gathering took oath to pursue Yoga everyday


Thus the new batch of students 2015 – 17 who has their admission to SIBM – Hyderabad,  had a fabulous beginning with a number of academic and industry experts, along with the ability  of art of practicality learnt for effective and efficient application of the theories of management  in this contemporary world, was all given a blend of fun and awareness phenomenally. The  students were showing enthusiastic and earnest desire towards apt learning for their curriculum  and application of the same in upcoming days ahead. The motto of SIBM – H, “Shraddhavan  Labhate Gyanam” meaning “The earnest aspirant gains supreme wisdom” is rightly upheld by  the students which are deeply believed to imply in their lives and further pass on to the upcoming  batches of SIBM – Hyderabad.