Helios Event-2.0 Report | SIBM Hyderabad
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Helios 2.0

Helios 2.0

“7 PM – The Marketing Club” of SIBM-Hyderabad organized, HELIOS 2.0, a marketing events on 7th August 2017 on the campus. “Logo Play” in which over 13 teams participated had to identify the brand logos to win the event. The second event “A to Z Jugaad”, wherein teams had to collect 26 different items belonging to different brands whose name starts with A to Z alphabets was held. “Brand War”, the final event of the day wherein the competing teams where given names of same products of different brands and they had to defend their products.

“Quiz” was conducted to keep the participants engaged in the whole event as fillers. Freebies were given to teams who answered correctly. Students from both the batches and from all specializations took part and made it a huge success. The winners of various events at Helios were given away prizes.

The students then took to pitching their ideas wherein the panel had critically evaluated and validated the innovative idea. This interaction to the entrepreneurs was indeed a learning experience and gave a boost to our confidence.

Ms Rishika and Mr. Sagar Participating in Helios 2.0 EventMs Rishika and Mr. Sagar Participating in the Event

Students Group Participated in Helios 2.0 EventStudents Group Participated in the Event