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Symbinar 2.0 Series - Mr. Akash Srivastava

Symbinar 2.0 Series - Mr. Akash Srivastava

Topic: "The 5 AM Club– Own your morning, elevate your life"

Date: 27th September 2020, Sunday

Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

The Corporate Interaction Cell of SIBM Hyderabad feels elated to welcome Mr. Akash Srivastava, Regional VP for North, East, and Central India, Schindler India Pvt. Ltd. who spoke on the topic ‘The 5 am Club – Own Your Morning, Elevate your life’.

Mr. Srivastava spoke about his life-changing experience as he imbibed the 5 am club concept into his life. He mentioned it as becoming a disciplined routine amongst his colleagues too, which helped them control the front end of life. 

Sir shared with the students some basic golden rules, the 3-step success formula, and also threw light on the scientific reasoning of waking up early. Specific mention to the 5-6 am, a time being the hour of victory and his immense knowledge and methods, truly brought out the essence of its vitality. 

He also mentioned the 20/20 formula, the ten tactics of lifelong genius, and his personal learning and insights from the 5 am club, which was completely fulfilling and inspiring for the students.

The session was then followed by Q&A where students came up with their queries and displayed their enthusiasm on the topic. We look forward to more such interactions with him in the near future and continue this association.