Guest Lecture by Sri M Radhkrishna Murthy
Guest Lecture by Sri M Radhkrishna Murthy
Topic:- Recent Trends on Labour Laws
The Human Resources Club ‘HUMANALAYA’ organized a Guest Lecture on “Recent Trend on Labour Laws” on September 08, 2018. Sri M Radh Krishna Murthy graced the session as Guest speaker for the day. Human Resources students from both the batches 2017-19 and 2018-20 have registered their enthusiastic presence to gain knowledgeable insights through this informative session.
The event started with a welcome address followed by a token of warm welcome which was offered by Dr. A Jagan Mohan Reddy (HOD-HR) and Dr. Ridhi Rani (Assistant Professor – HR). The lecture started around 2:15 PM and culminated at 4:30 PM. The entire session revolved around the concept of, how to put theoretical abstractions of Labour Laws into practices in Real life Corporate Scenarios. Furthermore, Mr. Murthy narrated about the procedure of SOP filing under Labour Laws and Do’s as well as Don’ts of legal documents formation. However, he firmly emphasized on ‘Mitigation of Litigation’, specifying in words that “Litigation is a speculation without getting the destination”.
He also talked about how to become A Proactive HR Manager so that mitigation can be eliminated in the initial stage so that there is no litigation later. In his narration “Union Leaders aren’t born they are made by Management” and “Sacking Develops Revenge”, he accentuates at the point that along with seeking productive outputs or ROI it is equally necessary for an HR manager to stress upon behavioural aspects of an Organization’s Labourers. He stressed on the point that “Every professional in an Organization should be HR because every employee in your organization will be a page and each page put together forms a book i.e., an Organization, thereby knowing each page distinctively is critical”.
By next half of the session gave a vital insight into the how and how’s of HR practices in field of Industrial Relations. He facilitated the revision of arbitration process under Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 and also discussed about major elements of Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923. On closing note, Mr. Murthy reiterated his initial phrase “You should be inner winner of the person (employees),not the outer winner-otherwise you develop a fear among them” and promoted open forum for questioning which was availed by students as Golden egg opportunity to put forward personal ideas and clarify subject matter doubts.
The session was received with admiration and a fair amount of gratitude towards newly formed conceptual understanding and practical learning’s were beholden by students. The event ended with a vote of thanks to the guest.

Dr. A Jagan Mohan Reddy
Professor (HR)
Dr. Ravi Kumar Jain
Director SIBM - Hyderabad