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Introduction to Big Data & AI Workshop - SIBM Hyderabad
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A Report on Introduction to big data & AI

A Report on Introduction to big data & AI

A Report on Introduction to big data & AI

Date : 02ND to 11TH JANUARY 2019

As a part of Internationalisation initiative, SIBM-H creates opportunities for intellectual growth and knowledge creation and dissemination through international exposure. Student mobility being one among several activities undertaken. The year 2019, started with a student Immersion program in collaboration with Providence University of Taiwan. A 10-day workshop, from January 02 to 11, 2019, was specially designed by Providence University for Indian students. This was in the field of Data Science (Big Data) & Artificial Intelligence (AI). Eight Students were nominated from the Institute based on their merit. This was an excellent way to reinforce their learnings and also get to know of working in international markets work space.