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Inauguration of SCC

SIBM-Hyderabad in a pioneering effort in the Symbiosis Group of Institutions, launched its ambitious initiative SYMBIOSIS CASE CENTRE (SCC), which will cater to development of business case studies and provide training to stakeholders in the relevant areas. SCC was inaugurated at SIBM-Hyderabad on 27/5/2016. On this auspicious occasion, a One-Day Workshop on Case Teaching, “Nuances of Case Teaching” was held for Staff of SIBM-Hyd. The objective of the workshop was to enhance the participants’ knowledge about case method of teaching and make them more effective case teachers, which would in turn enrich the students learning process at SIBM-Hyderabad.

Delivering his inaugural address, Dr.Ravi Kumar Jain, Director SIBM-H, explained as to how the case method of teaching is used effectively in Ivy League B Schools across the world. He also dwelt at length on “Nuances of Case Teaching” and shared his valuable experiences as Case Study Teacher with the participants.

Next session was conducted by Dr.Satya Prasad VK (Coordinator SCC), who facilitated the discussion of the case study in marketing “PepsiCo & Madonna”. Post Lunch, Dr.C.Venkata Ramana facilitated the case discussion on strategy case titled “Strategic Dilemma at Hansworth”.

In both the case discussions, participants actively participated and enriched the discussion.

The next session was a de-briefing session jointly conducted by Dr.Satya Prasad VK & Dr.C.V.Ramana.

The workshop concluded with the Vote of Thanks presented by Dr. Satya Prasad VK.