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Independence Day Celebration

Flag Hoisting & National Anthem.The Independence Day celebrations at Symbiosis International University - Hyderabad began with paying respects to the Father of our Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. The Directors of SIBM and SLS Hyderabad were joined by their faculty members in conducting a small Pooja in his honour. This was followed by the traditional Flag Hoisting Ceremony by the dignitaries and the singing of the National Anthem by the students.

Director’s Speech – Symbiosis Law School (Hyd)

The Director of Symbiosis Law School, Dr.Baig addressed the gathering first. He stressed upon the importance of Independence Day and on the rights and duties of every Indian citizen and about the consequences of misusing them. He also mentioned how we tend to celebrate events like Valentines without knowing its meaning over our festivals like Raksha Bandhan. He also focused on problems like corruption, rapes and other unsocial conventions the Nation is facing.

Director’s Speech – Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (Hyd)

The Director of Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Dr. Ravi Kumar Jain concentrated on how Independence Day comes with responsibility and should not be treated as a holiday. He also spoke about the Management perspective of Independence Day and quoted that Leaders are born only when they have the zeal to work for their motherland. He concluded by speaking on how we should be careful in passing over the culture to our future generation and be clear with what we have to accept & reject.

Campus Administrator Speech

Our Campus Administrator Col. Murleedharan delivered a speech up on how the needs of the country supersedes our personal comfort.

Students Activity Cultural Program

  • Manali Desai: Manali delivered a speech about how the real and true meaning of Patriotism lies in joining hands together and fighting against the hurdles in the path of the true and real development of our nation.
  • Khyati Mishra: Khyati recited a poem which shared the true essence of the sacrifices that were made to bring in the fruits of this independence.
  • Toshit Patil: Toshit entranced the crowd with a very melodious rendition of “Mera Mulk Mera Desh”.
  • Dr. Rishi P Shukla: Dr. Rishi voiced his opinions on the importance of unity for a nation like India and how the youth should choose the correct path in their life.
  • Dr. B.R. Londhe: Londhe Sir spoke about what makes Indians special and better than others.
  • Group Dance: The group dance was performed by SIBM students on the song “Rang De Basanti”.
  • Group Song: The song “MaaTujhe Salaam” was choired by SIBM Students.

Inauguration of Women Development Cell:

Women Development Cell (WDC) was inaugurated by Ridhi Rani in the presence of Director SIBM, Director SLS and faculty and staff members of both the institutions.

Prize Distribution (WDC & Library)

The WDC organised a Debate Competition and Poster Making Competition on 12th and 13th August 2015 respectively for which the prizes were distributed.

The college celebrated Library Week from 1- 14th August 2015. The competitive events organised were:

  • Quiz
  • Book Hunt
  • Book Reviews

For which the prizes were distributed.


Vote Of Thanks

The Vote of Thanks was delivered by Professor Rao. He extended his gratitude to the Directors, Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff. He specially thanked the Support Staff of the college for working around the clock.

Rastra Geet

The event was wrapped up with the soulful notes of our Rashtra Geet, “VandeMataram”.

Tree Plantation of Lakshmitaru: By Faculty & Staff

The Directors, faculty and non-teaching staff planted saplings and sowed seeds of Lakshmitaru (Simaroubaglauca DC.), that is a multi-purpose evergreen tree receiving great interest as a promising energy crop and medicinal plant for the future. It has aroused great enthusiasm as miraculous tree of solace for cancer patients around the campus, to create awareness about the importance of environment.

Snacks Distribution

The entire show was anchored by Soumya and Mrityunjai under the guidance of Dr. Rishi Shukla.